0 Sef 15 Chagui 102 Shintua
1 Chae 16 Chameo 103 Shinbei
2 Tua 17 Chalei 110 Shincha
3 Bei 18 Chatau 111 Shinchachae
4 Kea 19 Chaseo 120 Shintu
5 Gui 20 Tu 200 Tuashin
6 Meo 30 Be 299 Tuashinseseo
7 Lei 40 Ke 1000 Dan
8 Tau 50 Gu 1111 DanShinchachae
9 Seo 60 Me 10.000 Chadan
10 Cha 70 Le 20.000 Tudan
11 Chachae 80 Ta 100.000 Shindan
12 Chatua 90 Se 200.000 Tuashindan
13 Chabei 100 Shin 900.000 Seoshindan
14 Chakea 101 Shinchae 1.000.000 Ragna
Meo essa saatnan : six big chairs, Lei appa turan : seven long trees
Chae uju kotta : one yellow car, Tubei ittau leetnan : twenty three cheap books
4 : kea
88 : tatau
143 : shinkebei
256 : tuashingumeo
666 : meoshinmemeo
2589: tuadanguishintaseo
5548 : guidanguishinketau
15973 : chaguidanseoshinlebei
9300 : seodanbeishin
18000 : chataudan
Ordinal Numbers
When the suffix “-li ” is added into the end of the numbers they become ordinal numbers. The numbers and ordinal numbers both are placed before the noun when they are used as adjectives.
chae-li : chaeli konga ( the first king )
tua-li : tuali tespua ( the second shop )
bei-li : beili onas ( the third drum )
kea-li : keali seapa ( the fourth example )
gui-li : guili sutna ( the fifth letter )
meo-li : meoli malt ( the sixth word )
lei-li : leili vemo ( the seventh day )
tau-li : tauli tutna (the eighth door )
seo-li : seoli leuja (the ninth student )
cha-li : chali diatna ( the tenth answer )
Chapter Test-3
Please chose the correct translation. (The questions 1-5)
1- four students / six trees / twenty nine books / thirty bottles /
a) kea leujan / meo turan / tuseo leetnan / be mazan
b) kea leuja / meo tura / tuchae leetnan / seo mazan
c) gui leujan / gui turan / tuseo leetna / bechae milen
d) meo leujan / meo miekun / chachae leetnan / be munan
e) kea miekun / meo turan / tuseo leujan / be luman
2- third house / first car / second school / fifth mountain / forty seventh pen /
a) beili daran / chae kotta / shule ya wili / tuali nab / kelei duatna
b) beili dar / chaeli kotta / shule ya pili / tuali leutna / keleili duatna
c) seo daran / chae kotta / shule ya pili / tuali leutnan / kebei duatna
d) bei kiatnan / chaeli leujan / shule ya pili / beili leutna / kelei mikele
e) beili dar / chaeli kotta / shule ya mbili / chaeli mikele / keleili yutta
3- 36 / 74 / 28 / 112 /
a) bemeo / lekea / tutau / shinchatua
b) bemeo / lekea / tutau / shinchachae
c) bemeo / bekea / chatau / shinchatua
d) bemeo / chakea / metao / letua
e) betua / lemeo / tutau / danchatua
4- tua maejan / seo komben / chagui seapan / tulei maltan
a) two cars / nine cups / fifteen books / twenty seven words
b) three drunks / nine cups / fifty examples / twenty six words
c) two drunks / eight cups / fifteen examples / twenty words
d) two cleaners / nine cups / fifteen examples / twenty seven words
e) two drunks / five cups / fifteen questions / twenty six words
5- betau nuutan / gukea yenan / chaeli shenne
a) thirty four walls / fifty four boys / first city
b) thirty eight walls / fifty four girls / first city
c) thirty eight walls / fifty four girls / second city
d) thirty eight walls / twenty four girls / first city
e) thirty eight walls / fifty fourth girl / first city